02 October 2013

Bathroom Gone!

Yesterday when I returned home from 2 doctor appointments, I went to use the "facilities" and this is what I found--

Bathroom was GONE!  You may recall that back in April, I blogged about redoing the bath. Hubster has had a major procrastination episode and it didn't get started. Of course, I have had the new bathroom vanity plopped down in the living room for many months now and several boxes of lighting fixtures, faucets, tile and miscellany stored in the garage. I have a friend from California coming for a visit and this has been motivation to get the job done. I also think he is reluctant to work for this boss--ME.   I will be so happy to get this done and fixed up pretty.

About the doctors' appointments:

  • I do have arthritis in feet and ankles. That's no big news. I'm to take the medication I have for arthritis in lower back, hips and legs for these areas/parts too. I am very thankful that my hands have not been affected.
  • I have surgery scheduled for November 25th. I have a rectocele that needs to be repaired and a prolapsed uterus. The surgeon will put everything back in place and use my own tissue or donor tissue if needed to assist in putting everything in place and keeping it there. He doesn't want to do any extreme surgeries such as taking out the uterus because I am very prone to scarring and if any of you have had adhesions post-op, you know what I mean when I say they cause pain and it gets worse as time goes by. Anyway, everything is looking brighter for me and I am feeling blessed about it. 
Hugs, Sharon

ps--We do have a 2nd bathroom so it's not a big loss having this one under construction.  

Have a great week everyone!

This is like the one on Big Bang Theory